Thursday, December 10, 2009


IN 2009 i discovered that not all books suck, actually some are pretty good. I read "1984" in march which was by far my favorite, Then i read "Brave new world" just to contrast the two books. After this i took a short break from reading all summer and picked back up with "Animal Farm" in November. I just started "The Jungle" by Upton Siclair and will hopefully be finished by christmas. Some books i started but couldnt get into were "Sometimes a great notion", "The picture of Dorian Gray" which i read the sparknotes on and passed the test on it with the highest grade in the class, and "oNE FLEW OVER THE cUCOOS NEST" i wasnt so much uninterested in this book, i just was too into 1984 at the time. I also started Zen and the art of motorcycle maitnece twice but got hung up around page 250 each time and i will finish it asap. Dude i learned this year.


Chelle Ellsworth said...

I realize that I am being shunned for liking and wanting to read them, but I am reading the entire Twilight series. Today I finished book #2. The books bring me back to middle school. Except for that SEMS would have been way cooler with sparkly vampires and werewolves. But, at least I haven't watched the movies...yet.

Wife of dastew said...

The only one from your list that I've read is Animal Farm and I didn't read that until after I finished college. Though I did see the movie for One Flew Over the Cucoo's Nest. You are officially smarter than I.
And I am now shunning Michelle for reading the Twilight Series. I am officially smarter than her. Hence, Nathan is smarter than Michelle.