Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Jeep, a jeep, a real green Jeep

Have you seen the weather in Wyoming?! Its snowing like crazy and cold very very cold. And im kinda hesitante about friving the little white car in this weather, so i have devised a plan. A Jeep.

Now doesn't a 4 wheel drive, 1997-2004 green Jeep Wrangler sound more apealing than a 2002, white Hyundia Accent? Now dont get me wrong, i love the lil' white car but it seems like it could be difficult to drive in the winter snow.

However Jeeps are a little costy, even used ones, but we can sell the Hyundia for a decent price and then put a few extra $ into the Jeep. But after driving in moms zuki last night i relized 4 wheel drive is needed more than front wheel drive. And we both cant drive the zuki cause im at school for 8 hours a day working diligently,buttering you guys up, and trying to make my family proud.

This is my arguement toward a Jeep Wrangler, and if you would like to post a privite comment or just say hi to me cause no one does, email me, Thanks for listening.


Chelle Ellsworth said...

I want 4 wheel drive toooo! I thought that because it snowed so much last year that it wasn't going to snow at all this year? Guess not.

Roy said...

The way I look at it, you shouldn't be driving a lot anyhow (it's not like you have to go 10 miles to seminary and then 20 to school--when I was your age...). And, having been a 16-year-old once, I would think that 4WD might make such a driver overconfident and at greater risk. The sheer size of my LTD made me reckless...

Chelle Ellsworth said...

oh yeah I forgot to ask if you wanna come down and practice driving my car? Someday once we thaw out.