Friday, June 5, 2009

King James and the Cav's

Ok first of all i'm not LeBrons biggest fan, if anything i'm the exact oppiste, but Clevland is close to an NBA championship so here is what they should do to bring home that trophey next year.

1.)Trade LeBron. he is a free agent at the end of next season and no one knows if he will be back for the 2011 season. Trade him while you still can. The Sacromento Kings have a great Guard, Kevin Martin, who you could trade James for and you would be closer to the finals with him then you will be with James

2.)Start Ben Wallace? Why are the Cavs starting Anderson Varejo when you could have former defensive player of the year on the bench? Anderson may be younger but Big Ben has how many championship rings with the pistons?

3.)Mo Williams. Need i say more? This kid is amazing, top five point guards in the league( R. Rondo, C.Paul, D. Williams, J. Nelson )You dont need Delente West starting, Bench the guy and put in a REAL 2 guard like Pavlovic. He was a starter last time you made it to the finals why not stick with a good thing.

Now Trading LeBron, Staring Big Ben and Pavloic all sounds starnge but trust me, im a 17 year old who has nothing better to do than point out the flaws different teams have. You focas on LeBron too much. When leBron plays poorly, you lose, when Kobe plays poorly the Lakers always have Odom, Gasol and Fisher to back him up. Thats why they are in the finals and the Cavs are not.

1 comment:

Roy said...

I agree with the idea of tradinh James from a basketball perspective, but it would,crush and alienate their fan base. And starting Wallace is a great idea--if it's 2004. The wheels fell off Big Ben several years ago 9note that the Pistons didn't fight hard for him when he left town). What the Cavs need is a competent coach who can adjust his lineup and strategy based on his opponent...